Monday, October 27, 2008

This Time Just The Girls

Basically if I could form a perfect girl band it would be like the Coathangers. I would be Stephanie (the one with the bangs over her eyes). Only it would also involve sparkly ribbon headbands, 80s synth keyboards, glitter eyeshadow, and be called The Savage Ivories.'s finally Fall. Well, not here, in the volcano-temperature Valley where it still gets to the mid 90s during the week, but in general. And even though colder weather is my favorite, it usually sends me into some kind of temperature induced sadness, like when some people get depressed due to the fact that it's dark so much or whatever. So to combat the aforementioned sadness, I delve heavily into my music stash, putting together playlists and mix CDs that create a winter wonderland full of swirling ambiance and delicious memories. Normally, I would a throw playlist your way, but this is no ordinary winter. This is one of empowerment and feminism, so with that, I've compiled the Fall Fem Fierceness playlist: the best fall and winter tracks from the badassiest females in music. Which would you guys add? Feel oh so free to let me know.

Sara Lov: "New York"

Jenny Lewis: "Rise Up With Fists"

The Watson Twins: "How Am I To Be?"

Asobi Seksu: "Walk On The Moon"

Cat Power: "Lived In Bars"

The Breeders: "Doe"

Be Your Own Pet: "October, First Account"

Northern State: "Three Amigas"

Regina Spektor: "Better"

Magneta Lane: "Constant Lover"

Pony Up!: "Shut Up And Kiss Me"

Charlotte Gainsbourg: "The Songs That We Sing"

The Long Blondes: "You Could Have Both"

And there you have it. Plus a few personal all time favorite riot grrrl songs:

The Grown Ups: "Nick and Nick" (Ummm, a song written back in like '94 about how the dude this girl fell in love with fell in love with a boy, using the lyrics "suck it in the dick" and "which one is the chick" is like pure gold.)

The Cougars: "Brain Cactus" (Surriously. If you don't feel badass when you listen to this song, you never will. And I hurt for you.)

The Chubbies: "Didjahavtasaythat?" (We all know this feeling.)


Lolita Hazed said...

Ooh! Damn sassy topic here! God, I love fem-rock, and you put in some of my favorite ladies! My faves are probably Sleater-Kinney and no doubt about my all-time no. 1 girl crush PJ Harvey. I think anything from "Is This Desire?", namely "The Wind" is good for fall.
Ooh and um your band name is awesome. It sounds so buzzy, like it would totally end up in several indie music mags. "OMG, you don't listen to The Savage Ivories? Don't talk to me!"

P.S. It's funny that you bring up the cold season making you sad-- that's actually a psychological disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's pretty common. I totes learn a lot at school.

Lolita Hazed said...

Ooh, and I forgot Bat for Lashes! Great for fall and GENIUS for winter.

Erika said...

Yes. I love Bat For Lashes. I want to have hair and be able to wear sparkly non-ironic headbands like Natasha Khan. I so do.