Monday, June 16, 2008

My Only Offer

Mates of State are cool. They are also hot. They are temperaturally compelling. Their music is good. That should be enough for you to want to purchase their entire discography.

If it is, you can find it here.

Let's say it isn't. Well, uh, okay skeptic. MoS's new album, Re-Arrange Us is yet another gem in their indie pop crown. The album is magic. That's right. Once you listen to it, you magically become very happy and okay with life. Yeah, regardless of what else is going on around you.

To further convince you of their ethereal powers, Mates of State made a video. Yay. The directions for use are as follows: Peep. Smile. Rinse. Repeat.

Mates of State: "My Only Offer"

Love it like u crazy!
